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stunt fighter 09-12-2009 09:44 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
[quote=sicc0;4122922]metallica kick fuckin asss :yeah[/quote]

stunt fighter 09-13-2009 04:15 AM

Re: Postwhoring thread
time to post up for the crew lol

stunt fighter 09-13-2009 04:16 AM

Re: Postwhoring thread
3 in the morning, not at stuntwars like i wished i had gone, so im on sl instead lol

stunt fighter 09-13-2009 04:16 AM

Re: Postwhoring thread
just smoked another blunt, jimmy where you at [IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG]

stunt fighter 09-13-2009 04:17 AM

Re: Postwhoring thread
im feelin good right about now

stunt fighter 09-13-2009 04:18 AM

Re: Postwhoring thread
i can barely even type

MoHawk 09-13-2009 04:23 AM

Re: Postwhoring thread
I am ready for bed.

stunt fighter 09-13-2009 05:04 AM

Re: Postwhoring thread

intro is saucy

stunt fighter 09-13-2009 05:06 AM

Re: Postwhoring thread

stunt fighter 09-13-2009 05:07 AM

Re: Postwhoring thread

stunt fighter 09-13-2009 05:08 AM

Re: Postwhoring thread

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 11:32 AM

Re: Postwhoring thread
[quote=stunt fighter;4123278]just smoked another blunt, jimmy where you at [IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][/quote]

I am getting all pruney look'n cause I have been wet so long!!!!!

I am going to get the boat out today and go down my street I think. Geeeezzz:banghead

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 11:33 AM

Re: Postwhoring thread
[quote=stunt fighter;4123333][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/quote]

My kind of woman :yeah

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 11:42 AM

Re: Postwhoring thread
[quote=rufio27;4121289]“Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children. “
- President George W. Bush, November 11, 2001[/quote]

You know rufio, that right there was when everything started getting shitty. Before 911 jobs, money everything was easier. They didn't just take lives, it seems they took some of our freedom. :banghead

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 11:51 AM

Re: Postwhoring thread
[quote=Sicc0;4122954]owned big time .... dont be the first to fall asleep at a drinking party



I would not have been wasting ANY time marking on her pretty body. Must have been chicks or fags there that night. :shruggs

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 11:52 AM

Re: Postwhoring thread
I am freak'n board :banghead

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 11:55 AM

Re: Postwhoring thread
I am kind of surprised yall like Metalica. :banghead

I hate them not because of their music but that they were big against file sharing and were very instrumental in shutting down Napster.:nono

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 11:56 AM

Re: Postwhoring thread
I was born and raised on rock music but slowly but surely I have come over to the hip hop side. :cheers

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 11:58 AM

Re: Postwhoring thread
I still listen to rock every now and then. Like when I am with my wife and she has it on her radio. :LOL

But there is one you would never guess since I am from Texas. I HATE country music. :banghead

I actually wrecked my wife's car one time cause I got in it and couldn't figure out how to get the radio station off the country station she had it on. :whoopass:

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 11:59 AM

Re: Postwhoring thread
It was a bad ass camero with a 350 V8 with a shift kit in the automatic tranny.

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 12:01 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
When I was raining if you weren't careful when it banged second gear the positrack rear end would break both tires lose on ya and you would snatch sideways in a heartbeat.

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 12:03 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
I am bent over going down the road look'n down trying to change the country crap music she had on and went around a corner when it snatched second gear and did a donut slid off the road and through a bobwire fence. :banghead

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 12:04 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
The fucked up part of this was not missing up her car or the fence. It was the fact that there were a bunch of cows trying to get out the whole in the fence I just made.

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 12:04 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
I am a city boy and never herded a cow in my life

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 12:05 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
If the cows would have got out they would have got in the highway and then I would have had a real problem :nono

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 12:06 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
In desperation I grabbed one of the bobwire fence post and started herding them by swinging that and yelling at them. :LOL

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 02:04 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
I was out there for about half a day cause when the cop showed up they were helping me keep the cattle out of the road.

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 02:05 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
The bull horn the cop had worked a lot better than my yelling and waving the iron pole. :yeah

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 02:06 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
What took so long to get the fence repaired was the land was owned by a lawyer here locally.

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 02:07 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
He used the land as an investment and was using a farmers cattle to get an agriculture exemption on the taxes on the land.

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 02:08 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
Finally about lunch time the farmer that owned the cows shows up and I helped him put the fence back together.

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 02:09 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
Only good thing about this was because I help the farmer put the fence back together he didn't charge me anything for tearing up his fence.

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 02:10 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
My wife's camero was fucked up good though. :banghead

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 02:12 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
I am postwhoring right now so my DVR will buffer enough of the Cowboy's game so I can fast forward through the commercials. :cheers

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 02:13 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
I have got so used to using my DVR that I can't stand to watch live tv any more :banghead

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 02:13 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
Hey is anyone going to SaintLouis for the ride of the century?

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 02:14 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
The group I ride with is going to Arkansas to some beer barbecue ride that weekend. :shruggs

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 02:15 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
Kind of feel like that's like a ROT ride or some shit compared to the STL ride.

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 02:16 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
May just have to take out on my own and put the bike and the fiddy in the bed of my truck and ROAD TRIP it.

OldManJimmy 09-13-2009 02:17 PM

Re: Postwhoring thread
Another group that rides in the Dallas area DSR (Dallas Stunt Riderz) is going so I know I will have some buds there if I can even find them there in all those bikes.

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