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Pimpus Maximus 03-22-2005 11:16 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
Ya know whats funny? Its people like salad fingers who are raising the 'bad pits.'

Know whats funnier? Hypocrits. He can call pit owners ignorant dog owners and saying pits are the most vicious dogs, talking about how someone has a low IQ, and all that good shit. But its weird, how he has yet to post but 1 peice of evidence showing that pits are the worst dogs.

But, to top that off, I do have facts and proven evidence to show that pits arent the worst dogs, but they are one of the BEST and kindest dogs. Granted, they are a bit more aggressive towards other animals, but humans is a whole differant ballpark. Its funny how people can twist arguements to make them win, and its even greater when the media buys the crap these people say. Yes, I'll admit, pits do have animal aggression in their blood, and were bred to fight (amongst other duties). But how come these people dont say that they are bred to obey their owner at all times? How come no one says that any dog showing human aggression was quickly put down?

Its not until a couple years ago, when pits became famous for their fighting and human aggression. Why? Because its not until a few years ago that they were bred/inbred, and crossbreeded, and drugged to do so, by ignorant analrangers like salad fingers himself. And I am talking within what, the past 15-20 years?


Cody W 03-22-2005 11:22 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=Salad_Finger]Why dont you look at the other posts in this thread. Are you going to ban us all ? Oh and if you are planning on banning me go ahead . I am a network specialist . I have the knowlege of changing i.p's so dont tempt me with your weak threats.[/QUOTE]
your still a homo.

Cody W 03-22-2005 11:25 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
ok he is gone ..... who's next.... :shruggs

Peyton 03-22-2005 11:34 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
me me hahaha

03-22-2005 11:35 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=roxy][COLOR=Magenta]Not hood just animal nature, that stuff can happed with any breed of dog. My sisters Dalmatian did that to her friend's dog.

I know pit bulls are not AKC recognized but I thought this bit of info might make you feel better.
With regard to Doberman Pinschers the AKC states:
A dog that attacks or attempts to attack either the judge or its handler, is definitely vicious. An aggressive or belligerent attitude towards other dogs shall not be deemed viciousness. [/COLOR][/QUOTE]

It says regard to Dobermans....whats that sapose to meen? I've met alota dobermans and Im about to get one but so far the only thing I found about them was they are EXTREMELY territorial.

Pimpus Maximus 03-22-2005 11:49 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
Only thing I know about them, is they like to bark. Haha, my neighbors across the street, and if the wind blows they bark. The female is kinda edgy, but the male who does the most barking is a little wimp. Just walk over and pet him, and he shuts right up. Cool dogs though.


Pimpus Maximus 03-22-2005 11:59 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=IFRxXxAccoRd]It says regard to Dobermans....whats that sapose to meen? I've met alota dobermans and Im about to get one but so far the only thing I found about them was they are EXTREMELY territorial.[/QUOTE]

Damn, wont let me edit. I found this though.. [url][/url]


MADROCS 03-23-2005 12:16 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
I wind up snaping his neck in two in order to get back my dog. [/QUOTE]

BULLSH!T!!!!!! :bs :bs

You'd have to be Juan Cluad Van Diksniffer to do that(being very sarcastic!)

post a a pic, story or a link to prove yourself

if not :bs

[QUOTE=Salad_Finger]I think all pits should be destroyed and their owners put in jail IMO. They're like playing russian roulette . You never know when those crazy ass dogs will pop. Keep in mind this is just my opinion . :badcop[/QUOTE]

bieoch, you've already been beat up enough :laughing :YEAH :YEAH

you 2 a$$clowns are the people who should not own pets!

Any pet/animal should be researched b4 being bought. And it seems everyone on here knows more about the breed of dog they have than the dumb sh!t you got to say.

Do animals a favor and go buy a rock, then pound yourself in the face with it :2cents

note-sorry for my lashing out, but ignorance should be very painful.

people like this don't take the time to learn about a pet they may buy. They just buy them and then dump them off in a field or the SPCA.

myself I had to sit thru 3 interviews to get my rotts. sign a contract that if I ever need to get rid of them they go back to the breeder.

dumbass comments like those made by those 2 is what gives big dogs a bad rap

MADROCS 03-23-2005 12:31 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=F1NG3R_BANG]I'm back you little ***** . Back with a bang. Finger Bang... bang bang bang. You have made a mistake and I am awaiting your apology. No apology = more chaos in your forum. So say sorry you little numb nut or its gonna be hell to pay for you and all of your pit bull loving queers.[/QUOTE]

again, another f*cking little ***** who hides behind a computer, building viruses or what ever IT claims it can do :rolleyes:

I'd love to hang a acorn off of your neck and watch a chipmunk crew your face off!

bikerboy574 03-23-2005 01:10 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
WHOA! guys, hate to be a middle man but I'm inschool to be a vet and have had much animal experience. Including owning just about every dog mentioned here. So here is my two sense worth and just some general jargon. First animal aggression is more prevelant in some breeds, i.e. Rotts, pits, dobbies, ect. Unfortunantly on a larger scale the owners that take in these kinds of dogs don't have them for just "pets" and aren't responsible owners. As some of you guys sound like your trying to be. It is all to do with responsible ownership and knowing each dogs temperment. Plus their are "societies", so to speak, that for the breeding of these dogs specifically pits that are purely a money culture. These are where most of the problem dogs are and where most of the bad media comes from. Any way the two most important factors here are responsible ownership,training, and owning a registered dog. Not just a mongrel inbred super pitt. Heres a fun fact if you didn't already know, Dalmations are some of the most apt dogs to have a biting problem. As well the bite is usually the most severe bite. Pits have the unique feature I guess you can say of "Lock Jaw" where when they bite they clamp and hold till the "adversary" gives or dies. I'm expecting some replies of thanks DR. Phil! and the what not but just thought you might be interested to hear what I had to say. Just remember dogs have personalities just like humans each one is individual and has likes and dislikes. By the way skape. don't sweat it dude there was nothing you could have done there. That stuff happens just remember that and make sure you are responsible with your dogs from now on. Cause it could have been worse if a human had been involved.

MADROCS 03-23-2005 01:44 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=bikerboy574] Dalmations are some of the most apt dogs to have a biting problem. .[/QUOTE]

and I thought their problem was going def? Never heard of what you speak of. Yet going def makes them a little "agressive" ie; digging, tearing stuff up, ect-not lock jawing the mailman :rolleyes:

bikerboy574 03-23-2005 01:50 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
WHAT! You have never heard of lock Jaw in pits! No, I wasn't speaking in regards to thier aggresivness because of def problems. Or more specifically degenerative hearing problems :rolleyes:

bikerboy574 03-23-2005 01:53 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
Your taking what I said and chopp'n and screwing the info. Dalmations are the worst biters. Pits have Lock Jaw, specifically talking about the bite here. This is why they get bad ratings across the board. This was a comment/general summary of what I was reading.

bikerboy574 03-23-2005 01:59 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[COLOR=Yellow][U]Pits[/U] have the unique feature I guess you can say of "Lock Jaw" where when they bite they clamp and hold till the "adversary" gives or dies.[/COLOR]

Pimpus Maximus 03-23-2005 06:57 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls're going to be a vet but beleive in locking jaws? I assume you beleive they have a 2000psi bite. Not trying to be a ****, because I could of read your post wrong, and you might be using that as a an expression. Pits are just the same as every other dog, just stronger. There is no real way to test a dog for a PSI amount either, as every dog is differant. All in all, they are just really strong.

3824 03-23-2005 08:40 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=Salad_Finger]Why dont you look at the other posts in this thread. Are you going to ban us all ? Oh and if you are planning on banning me go ahead . I am a network specialist . I have the knowlege of changing i.p's so dont tempt me with your weak threats.[/QUOTE]

A network specialist ... hahaha a :laughing you douche.... if you were a network specialist you wouldn't have called yourself that dork....thats like a brain surgeon calling himself a medicine you cry yourself to sleep ata night knowing how pathetic you the way I am a Network Systems Engineer - that's a real job.

TravelerYo911 03-23-2005 10:38 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
he probably doesn't have a job. He's in his parents basement right now alone feeling sorry about himself. :LOL

Cody W 03-23-2005 11:27 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
i dont know if this has been said yet but there are more report dog bites by a ****espanial than any other dog.....the pit bull is like # 9 on the list.......

star skrape 03-23-2005 11:35 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=Cody W.]i dont know if this has been said yet but there are more report dog bites by a ****espanial than any other dog.....the pit bull is like # 9 on the list.......[/QUOTE]

GOod fact, i dont beleive anyone has raised that point yet.

Cody W 03-23-2005 11:43 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
all i can say is i love my pit ....

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