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star skrape 03-17-2005 07:45 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=bigbrother]Now, back to your topic.
Yes, it's true that Pits and Rots get a bad rap and hit the news all the time.....and it's prooly because of what u stated, "they inflict more damage that most dogs". Unfortunately, u as a owner have to put that into consideration when choosing a breed of dog. don't just get a Rot or Pit, cuase it's what's in now, or that's what's "hood" now, or John Doe has one. (and i'm not saying that u 'personally" did this) But i'm sure u understand people get materialistic items base on whats in or what cool.....then when they can't control them.....all hell breaks loose. (again, not accusing u or anyone else here on SL for that) But the bottom line is if u choose a Pit or Rot, be prepared to accept the respnsiblity that goes allong with it.

If a newb was to post up he was thinking of getting a Busa, ya'll would have a field day with him. Saying he'll kill himself, calling him ignorant, stupid, squid.....whatever. Same applies here. BE PREPARED FOR THE RESPONSIBILTY!!![/QUOTE]

Agreed, i thought that i could handle having these types of dogs because i have been around them my whole life, i have owned other bully breeds, they DID go to training, and I did take care of them, like everyone else does, or claims to do, but it happened anyway. AND beleive me, i am taking full responsiblilty for it. Im fucckin pissed at myself for letting it happen more than anything.

Its just hard seeing 80% of pitbulls getting treated like shit , beaten fought, starved, andthen these helpless dogs attaack someone.

Now my dog, well tooken care of, may have done something that any dog would have done if provoked, but my dog ocaused entirely way too much damage. Whos to say what the fucck to do, itts just a shame that pits are looked on the way they are.

Big Brother 03-17-2005 07:47 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=star skrape]Well i posted this in the fiddy section because i figured there wuold be no drama, but along you came running your mouth. I aggree with you in some respect however, I think you really contradict yourself a lot. You say that any dog can snap due to animal instinct, than why are Rots and Pits the worst? Im not getting in no pusssy internet argument. I could give a shit less about you , i just think that your remarked resembled what most of the societ states, ignorant comments to which they know nothing about. Like i said you have some good points, and some bad ones, im sure you feel the same about me. So im done bickering. Back to the purpose of this thread . . .[/QUOTE]

I could give a Rats Ass about u too, and it doesn't matter if u posted this in the chick section. That's not the point!!! And as far as me running my mouth, i gave my opinion based on "personal experince". i've had far more positve experinces with Pits and Rots, than negatives. Obviously, u're still upset with your i'll leave u alone!

star skrape 03-17-2005 07:50 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=bigbrother]I could give a Rats Ass about u too, and it doesn't matter if u posted this in the chick section. That's not the point!!! And as far as me running my mouth, i gave my opinion based on "personal experince". i've had far more positve experinces with Pits and Rots, than negatives. Obviously, u're still upset with your i'll leave u alone![/QUOTE]

You stated your opinion, I stated mine. Im not here to argue. I shouldnt have called you an ignorant assshole, just thought that your response resembled the populus. ADN i am really bothered by this whole situation, so i apoligize for my crude remarks. Grab a beer, its st pattys day, everyones irish on st pattys day :cheers

Big Brother 03-17-2005 07:53 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=star skrape]Agreed, i thought that i could handle having these types of dogs because i have been around them my whole life, i have owned other bully breeds, they DID go to training, and I did take care of them, like everyone else does, or claims to do, but it happened anyway. AND beleive me, i am taking full responsiblilty for it. Im fucckin pissed at myself for letting it happen more than anything.

Its just hard seeing 80% of pitbulls getting treated like shit , beaten fought, starved, andthen these helpless dogs attaack someone.

Now my dog, well tooken care of, may have done something that any dog would have done if provoked, but my dog ocaused entirely way too much damage. Whos to say what the fucck to do, itts just a shame that pits are looked on the way they are.[/QUOTE]

I understand your feelings.....and i beleive that the only people who treat Pits like shitt are the fcukers who need to be hung by their nutts. These are the same people who breed Pits to fight or be hard. Don't give up on your dog as i know u won't.....there's nothing that's going to take that guilt tripping feeling from u. Know that it's not your fault, u've learned from this experience and u know that "maybe" other dogs can't be around yours without supervision.

Big Brother 03-17-2005 07:54 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=star skrape].....Grab a beer, its st pattys day, everyones irish on st pattys day :cheers[/QUOTE]

First rounds on me..... :cheers

FIVEO 03-17-2005 10:24 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
Her's my :2cents People don't realize the full extent of vicous dog ownership. I have seen first hand dog fighting and training. And even though you have had your pup since birth as you stated before it's in thier blood line. I do feel bad for you but just like a child of your own you are responsible for thier actions. And with a dog it can bring criminal charges. You need to evaluate how much the pit meens to you and make a choice. good luck to ya

maniacr1 03-17-2005 10:49 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
hey star scrape sorry to here about your situation,i myself have two pits a brindle purebreed male and a rednose female and i love them both they are like my kids i would never give them up for anything ,i've raised them since they were pups,hell i helped deliever my male,but you know there just aggresive by natue,and with your situation,i had that happen to me my parents have a little yappy pomeranion and my pits get along and play together with there's.well one day i was over visiting and there dog kept yapping and my female just geeked and attacked there dog.I guess that my female just got sick of the yappy and wanted to shut it up.pits are are what you make them,but they still can snap out its in there nature they are very aggresisive,they are stereo typed because people believe they are all visicious,not true it's asshole people out there that fight them for there own ****ing pleasure,and glamour those ****ing assholes should be hung by there toes and whipped,mother****ers,i here about it all the time ,so don't be pissed at your pits love them as you always have,remember they are animals and very territorial,do what you can with the pug and get it back to health ,thats all you really can do,and hope it don't happen again remember your pits will do whatever they have to please there master and will stick by you till the end they are the best friend you could ever have. and all they want is to please you ,inside they are big babies atleast mine are believe me i know mine sleep in my bed with me,and take up most of the bed ,bro i hope this makes you feel alittle better about the situation.just my :2cents

3824 03-17-2005 11:15 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
at least you guys can have them ... not getting into the debate - just wanted to state I wish I could get one ... the laws so strict here you need like $1500 a year in special i want one so bad

BTW SKrape sorry to hear about that bro....

WestW 03-18-2005 05:55 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=~Mandy~]I agree with sclevela, your dog may have been provoked.
Mine has something against male labs for some reason, seriously.
It doesn't matter if the dog does anything or not, 3 times when he has been around a male lab, he does the same thing. My pit is rather small (60 pounds) but he grabbed the dog by the neck and slung it before i even knew what happened. They definately have thier quirks, hate that that happened though. :hello[/QUOTE]

My Staffordshire Bull Terrier do not like big black dogs either. Especially labs? The previous owner did not treat our do so well. He is aggressive to all male dogs but that is not something unusual for male dogs.

[img][/img] [img][/img]


adamf4i 03-18-2005 07:49 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
fuk dogs get too attached to them and that sucks to hear waht happen bro sounds bad

star skrape 03-18-2005 10:53 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=maniacr1]hey star scrape sorry to here about your situation,i myself have two pits a brindle purebreed male and a rednose female and i love them both they are like my kids i would never give them up for anything ,i've raised them since they were pups,hell i helped deliever my male,but you know there just aggresive by natue,and with your situation,i had that happen to me my parents have a little yappy pomeranion and my pits get along and play together with there's.well one day i was over visiting and there dog kept yapping and my female just geeked and attacked there dog.I guess that my female just got sick of the yappy and wanted to shut it up.pits are are what you make them,but they still can snap out its in there nature they are very aggresisive,they are stereo typed because people believe they are all visicious,not true it's asshole people out there that fight them for there own ****ing pleasure,and glamour those ****ing assholes should be hung by there toes and whipped,mother****ers,i here about it all the time ,so don't be pissed at your pits love them as you always have,remember they are animals and very territorial,do what you can with the pug and get it back to health ,thats all you really can do,and hope it don't happen again remember your pits will do whatever they have to please there master and will stick by you till the end they are the best friend you could ever have. and all they want is to please you ,inside they are big babies atleast mine are believe me i know mine sleep in my bed with me,and take up most of the bed ,bro i hope this makes you feel alittle better about the situation.just my :2cents[/QUOTE]

Sounds like me, my dogs take up the whole bed too :cheers Thanks for you comments

star skrape 03-18-2005 10:54 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=WestW]My Staffordshire Bull Terrier do not like big black dogs either. Especially labs? The previous owner did not treat our do so well. He is aggressive to all male dogs but that is not something unusual for male dogs.

Gorgeous dogs

star skrape 03-18-2005 10:58 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
3 Attachment(s)
UPDATE: The pug is okay. He is coming home today with only 3 staples.

And here is a pic of my monsters for all of you

JonnY X 03-18-2005 10:59 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
1 Attachment(s)
best pups ever

JonnY X 03-18-2005 11:03 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
Skrape that male looks awesome

TravelerYo911 03-18-2005 11:23 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
1 Attachment(s)
here's mine, he still has some growin to do.

kxrider 03-18-2005 03:41 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=sclevela]everyone here keeps assuming its the pits fault cuz it won


i never thought of that :laughing

f4istunna 03-19-2005 06:46 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=star skrape]First of all, Rotts and pits are not the worst. What most ignorant ass people dont realize, is that shit happens everyday, dogs biting people or other dogs, however when a pit or rot bites someone, you hear about it. [/QUOTE]

I've seen labs wild out and look like a pit or rott fighting another dog for coming in my yard. And these are labs that were babied and well trained their whole life and snapped for what seemed like no reason to me. Dogs are very territorial and from what i've seen theres no changing that. Its not your fault bro its instint to them.

SlitZ 03-20-2005 12:18 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
i like dobermans.... never had any problems with them at all

turboglenn 03-20-2005 10:45 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
star....glad to hear the pug is doing better, i get soo worried everytime i have my pit-ifullbull out, he's ok w/ about everything except female bully breeds and little kids, but i'd hate lil kids for pokin me w/ sticks too :laughing

good to se a bunch of pics of beautifull dogs even if the thread isn't of the lightest nature.

here's a pic of my MONSTER..hahahhhaha

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