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my china story (with pix)

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Old 05-13-2008, 07:18 PM
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my china story (with pix)

well after reading timmy's blog last year, i desided to do it this year.......

we left O’HARE airport on Monday April 29th 2008 1032am morning, the flight was good, but kinda odd. Mind you the last time I flew I was 6 years old and it was to California. We got bumped to business class which was nice. They fed us for like an hour as soon as we got in the air, which was nice because it helped me fall asleep which I could only do for a few hours. We flew up over the west side of Michigan, over Hudson bay, over the north pole, then down over the arctic ocean into Russia and into china over Beijing and then back east to Shanghai. The flight was fairly smooth till we got over Russia it got rough on and off for awhile and for about an hour it we couldn’t leave our seats because of it. We landed here in Shanghai at 136pm their time, and it was tuesday. The Shanghai International Airport seemed very weird to me, an airport way bigger then O’Hare but it seemed to have no one in it. The company that is taking care of us claimed they didn’t have a car big enough to pick us up, so Ryan had to write down a message on paper and hailed a taxi and read him the phrase, driving here gives me a whole new out look on traffic back home....its worse then and rush hour traffic I have ever been in. If they think that what they are driving will fit where they wanna be they will move in there. After like 2 hours of driving we finally got to the hotel not much different from an American hotel alil smaller and the beds are hard as a rock, but that is about it.........

Laurie decided that she was gonna go walk around the area out side the hotel when we all agreed we were gonna take a shower/relax/catch up on some sleep I told her she was crazy and laid down and relaxed for a bit. Later on Ryan and Kareem came to get us and we met up with Steven and went do this German restaurant and had dinner. I tried to take a shower when we got back to the hotel, I turned on the water waiting for it to warm up, but that never happend and instead of the water going down the drain in the shower it ran thru a giant crack in the bottom of the shower and onto the floor and into a floor drain.

Day 2:
Due to jet lag I woke up at 4am, I tried hard to go back to sleep but I failed. So Laurie and I got up and went for a walk. It was kinda nice at 5am the city is just coming around and the birds are chirping and people are getting ready for there day. On our walk we saw many interesting things, walked past one little “store” where there was a lady kicking a bag around with some kinda animals in it, I thought it looked like a pigeon and a duck. Then we walked past a seafood market that was getting their shipment in for the day, and thru a garden where people where doing their morning stretch and past some people brushing their teeth in the gutter. Then we came back and got cleaned up and waited for Ryan to wake up. After about an hour of Ryan dicking around we went and walked around the area on the other side of our hotel and got some stuff for to eat for breakfast.


About 9am we hailed a cab and went to the small circuit (Tianma)that Ryan will be doing a show at on Saturday and got his bike set up it was fun sitting there and messing with the mechanics that spoke no English. Ryan pretty pissed because one of the guys striped out one of the bolt holes for his hand brake and they have no clue what a tap and die set is here I guess.
For lunch we ate at the track they had this small “buffet” like plate with some kinda vegetable that was kinda like spinach, rice a “mystery meat” with mushrooms, and this spicy *** beef dish.
I learned how to use chop sticks pretty damn quick for never using them before, I guess if I didn’t my fat *** would starve Also it seems like the food here doesn’t fill me, I eat and then like and hour later im starving again. So after sitting at the BG office for ever Kareem called a cab and we went back to the hotel. First Kareem tells us that he is not a legal cab driver so we don’t take the highway to the hotel like we got there. We took all the surface streets there and it was NUTS he was going 100+ kmph weaving in and outa traffic. Then he gets this phone call and he is screaming at who ever on the other line and it smelled like booze, so Ryan says something to Kareem about it and Kareems “like ya he is wasted right now he is a huge alcoholic ”. Then we get to a spot where traffic is at a stand still, and dude gets outa his car, and im thinking ok he is looking to see what is going on up there when he goes over to the bus stop and takes a **** behind the shelter and then gets back in the car Then people started piling outa the back of this cargo truck.

I had the joy of meeting tony for the first time today. Ryan told him that I beat the hell outa our cabby and he ate it all up it was funny ****. All night he thought I would gonna box his face in. We went to dinner tonight with Steven, his girlfriend Maggie, a German man (Jonathan) and his wife, and his parents, and a guy from the Phillippines named Al at a Thai. restaurant. We ate like a 7 course meal, they brought out 15-20 plates of food. Most of the food there was really good but some was hotter then hell, all in all it was pretty good tho. The restaurant is in a very nice area with many other restaurants and bars in the area and see many other white people around who I think are mostly from Eroupe. When we got done with dinner we were walking back to the car and these women at the edge of this area were begging for money, if you ignored them they persisted. I told one lady that I was poor get the hell away from me and she came back with “no you not”. After shaking them we crossed the road and these two kids mobbed me begging to take pictures of my Mohawk so I stopped and posed for a picture. It was funny watching people stair at me like I was crazy as I walked thru the streets, not that they don’t stair all ready....
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Old 05-13-2008, 07:21 PM
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Re: my china story (with pix)

Day 3:
this morning Laurie and I were able to sleep in alil longer. I think I ended up waking up at 6-630 Tony and Ryan were still sleeping so we decided to go for a walk again. This time we took a different route and stumbled upon a market inside of a building. At first we thought it was like a flea market with small vending areas, some had pots, pans, tea kettles and bowls and others had shoes and cloths and things. Then all the sudden it opened up into this HUGE open air market with pork, duck, live fish, frogs, eels chickens and chickens. A few people in there spoke bits of English saying hi and laughing and pointing at my hair still standing on end from the night before. Then we came back to the hotel and waited for Ryan and Kareem to wake up, then we went and got a quick snack and went to see if we could change out some money, but the bank was closed.

Then we went to the Tianma circuit where to my surprise they had Ryan and Tony’s bikes ready for them. Ryan’s hand brake was fixed, but his motor was weak, and hopefully they have that fixed tomorrow. So after they got that sorted out we went to the Shanghai National Circuit which was prolly one of the best times of my life. First we went to a KFC it was surprisingly almost better then American KFC, it was kinda nice it filled the void that the other food we have had here hasn’t. When we got to the track I met some of the famous Moto GP racers, I talked to John Hopkins, Collin Edwards and Anthony west for a few min, they were all great guys also I got the points leader Jorge Lorenzo’s autograph and stood less the 5 feet from Valentino Rossi but he was having an interview and I went to get Edwards autograph and missed him. Also I got to meet Nicky Hayden and get him to sign a jersey I have had for a few years. Turns out that Kareem had raced with the Haydens back in the day so we got to hang out and talked to their dad Earl for about 2 hours it was an awesome to sit there and listen to him talk about his boys and there lives, it was amazing. Also Honda of china had a exhibit set up with some of there bikes, one being one of Nicky’s race bikes that we got to sit on and fondle something I figured would never happen. Most of the places and stuff we got to do today would have never happened in the states, or at any other GP. We are lucky enough to have exclusive paddock passes so we can go most anywhere. Tomorrow at 315 we have a tour of the monster kawi shop which I am so stocked for because of the secretness of how the GP normally is. It was getting dark and everyone was filing out the track so we decided to head home, on the way home we passed a Pappa johns and thought we would give it a try, it to was pretty good a lot like the American version with alil spice in it the KFC was the same way I noticed the chicken batter had a little bit of a kick to it but it was really good.


-Little side note, the traffic here is nuts I would NEVER want to diver here its bad enough trying to even cross the roads, traffic signs and lights are only suggestions, it is a HUGE risk even crossing the road. No one fallows traffic speeds either we were going to a surface street today that had a 60kmph speed limit and we were going 110kmph weaving in and out traffic, if the intersection doesn’t have a stop light the honk their horn 3-4 times and fly right thru, like look the hell out here I come. They also weave in and out of traffic and don’t care if scooters or bikes are in there way they damn near run them over is someone on either of those are remotely in there way. We’ve seen only one of two bad accidents one was yesterday with a bike and a car, it’s a surprise it doesn’t happen more here
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Old 05-13-2008, 07:22 PM
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Re: my china story (with pix)


Laurie went on a walk with out me today. She didn’t sleep in past 4 yeah since I have been here sleeping in is like 630 which sucks ***. We had to be in Tianma by like 830 so we hurried up and went there. Was pretty cool to day they were running practice and qualifying for the races tomorrow they have a 50cc scooter and “mini motard” race 150cc CBF150 races and then all the bigger bikes including 2 strokes and then also cars. So tony’s a cry baby and really pissing off Ryan and he is driving me nuts too he really needs to be more respectful and mature. Ryan motor in his big is garbage and Tony was crying about his clutch and made the mechanics change it when they should have been fixing the motor in Ryan bike, even after they replaces Tony’s clutch he was doing the same tricks he was before. We had to be at the GP track by 315 for our tour of the Monster Kawasaki pit which was awesome we saw some **** that was like top secret **** and had to ask to take pictures of things. Also saw John Hopkins again but didn’t get a chance to get his autograph. Also I waited for Rossi to come outa his pits but he was swarmed by all his retarded fans and I didn’t get to get his autograph but I was only like 2 feet from him today......I have a trick for tomorrow if I catch him leaving his pits again. We also talked with Stevie Bonnzie a 2stroke racer and Randy Mamola. both great people to talk to.
Ryan, Laurie and I also walked down pit lane, which in the state prolly would have gotten us kicked out and/or arrested. We were suppose to go eat with some big wig tonight but he wasn’t here yet so we tried telling a cabby to take us to a KFC thinking it would take us to a decent area, we were wrong. Actually we did find this cool place that you would never see in the states. They had all kinds of meats and veggies on skewers and you picked out what you wanted and they cooked it for you also they have what looked to be boiled crawfish. So we got a bowl of the crawfish a few skewers with squid, this funny looking fish some other mystery meat, 2 different kinds of mushrooms, and something that was kinda like a cross between a green bean and asparagus. The food is one thing here that I looked forward to, and this toped the charts sitting on a side walk eating boiled crawfish waiting for them to cook the odd stuff we just picked out. After that went and picked out some knock off DVDs I got a bunch of “bluerays” some that just came out in theaters like Iron man and Horton Hears a Who. One of the ladies came up to me while I was paging thru some of the dvds and flipped them to the back which was **** and then looked and me and smiled, I kinda got a laugh about that. Also we stopped at a little bakery and got some cookie like things, which were really good.


-another side note seeing how we have been doing it the whole trip.....we have been screwing with people so bad and im sure they have been talking **** about us too. With Ryan prostatic leg and my Mohawk and just being a funny looking American. People stair and they stair hard I have seen many people trip over things and almost hit curbs while on their mopeds and peddle bikes because they have been stairing. While this is going on we have point and laughed, staired back. Also while in the cabs messing with the drivers and people on the street is kinda funny to telling them hi and asking them how they are in Chinese, also tonight ryan told a girl he loved her in Chinese that was funny as hell she looked at him like hell no and the guy behind her (may have been her boyfriend) laughed
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Old 05-13-2008, 07:24 PM
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Re: my china story (with pix)

Day 5:
We had to be to the track this morning early Laurie and I went down to the corner store cuz she needed a pen and I got some orange juice and a snickers for Ryan and I. So we got to the Track and I was really surprised with the amount of people that were there and the set up they had. this track is smaller then Blackhawk farms (a local track back home), but with a huge spectator area above the pits where they can see the whole track it is set up really cool and on the other side there was a stage for the winners of the race and a few other events, a food vendor, Redbull, and snow which is a beer made here. The mechanics got Ryan bike fixed FINALLY And he was riding it great. They did 4-5 shows and the crowd was awesome. I put my hair up again which was a blast lots of people asked to take pictures and stairred. I was walking around with one of the photographers from Cali named Erin. We were trying to find the Yokohama girls so he could take their pictures. While we were walking we came across some sweet lancer EVO race cars and the pit next to them the guys and girls wanted their pix taken with me and Erin told them that I was a famous person back in the states there were all giggly and **** it was funny. I think I watched as many people ask and take pictures of me today as did of Ryan and Tony it was odd but after awhile I had fun with it. The guys shows were great they rode together really good. They also had 50cc bike and moped, crf150, big bikes and a few different classed of cars. The last car race before we left was the best car races I have ever seen in person, they were all tuner cars with huge turbos and **** like Subaru STI’s Lancer Evolutions a ford or two a few VW’s and some other cars I wasn’t sure what they where.
It was awesome hearing the STI’s and Evos flying into the corner there turbos blowing off then winding up and take off. Laurie and I went for a walk after one of the shows me with the video camera her with her still camera and the Yokahma girls where standing there in these lil dresses that were about as long and my shirts. I was filming drew stone style with (carrying the camera low and out in front of me holding it by the top handle) and these girls thought I was trying to film up there dresses I didn’t think anything of it till Laurie said some thing, but they scattered like a flock of birds.

Tonight we went to dinner with butch a friend of Ryan that owns a company that builds a Chinese side car. There is a 250 minimum on bikes here and cars are very pricy, but a side car bike falls into a loop hole. They are not considered a bike or a car because they have 3 wheels so they can run higher CC bikes here (you so see higher CC bikes here but they are mostly stolen from Japan and brought here). We ate at a place called baby bamboo’s which is a bar/restaurant with “western”, Mexican, German and Chinese food. I ordered a fried pork dish called schnitzel with spatzel and pickled red cabbage and it was sooooooooooo good I also had tried a few different drinks. One was a red beer kinda like kilians red, it was called Kilkenny I think. Also one of the guys bought me a shot of this stuff that translates to white wine but its closer to white lightning they were laughing at me but it wasn’t bad......but it wasn’t good either. We met Butch with about 10 other guys that ride all kinds of bikes but they are a part of a side car club each of them at least has one side car. They where from Mississippi, Ohio, Kentucky, England, Germany and a few other places I don’t remember, also butch is from Germany, but lived in china . Of all the crazy cab rides we have had tonight was down right scarey. He was flying down this road prolly about 50-60 and there was a red light ahead with about 6-10 scooters and bikes at it and he wasn’t even slowing down he ended up in the other lane because he couldn’t stop fast enough
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Old 05-13-2008, 07:26 PM
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Re: my china story (with pix)

day 6:
Today was the big day, we got to the track early and on the way it started raining. Which sucks, the concert is crappy here its hard to get traction on. The rain was a pain in the *** because pretty mush any where you go is out side and there are all these scalpers trying to sell counterfeit tickets, ear plugs and rain coats. These people were relentless, you could tell them to leave and no in Chinese and they still would bother the hell outa you. They were fun to mess with tho Ryan would yell at them, and one guy was trying to sell me watches and I kept trying to ask if they were free and to give them to me for free. To get outa the rain we tried getting in the press box, where we were earlier in the week. We got to sit up there and watch alil bit but ended up getting kicked out, but we scored some nicer rain ponchos before we left. Then we met up with a guy from Canada that Ryan new from over here named jay and his friend, we walked down to the paddock area. We saw Dani Padrosa, Capporossi, John Hopkins and Valentino but it was raining so I didn’t bother trying to get anything signed. After we left the paddock the rain let up so Steven wanted Ryan and Tony to do a show, the pavement was still wet and it was very slick. So they did there show and it was mostly drifting and burn outs but the locals loved it. We hung around the BG tent for a bit and Steve Erin and this American Indian dude came and met up with us. At 2 they went into the tack and road in a different area that was dryer and they got alil more grip, Tony was late and like a moron was out riding with out a helmet, finally he got one on. But there were prolly 500+ people watching them ride there were all around the fence and then a ton of people came and watched off the stair well for the grand stands too. After this show was the 800cc GP race, the sound of these bikes is like no other I cant even explain it, but there sound awesome the race was kinda boring Padrosa and Rossi got off ahead of every one else and of coarse Rossi ended up taking over Padrose and for the whole race they were way ahead of everyone else. Rossi ended up winning the race and posed as Buddha as a protest for Tibet. Right after the race they did there last shows the crowed loved it. So we hung out at the BG booth for awhile and the guys signed a bunch of posters and ****. The whole week Ryan and I have been eyeing up these posters they have for the race, well a bunch of the people had beat us to it I got Ryan one and then went off to find one for me with no, there were none left so I ended up cutting a bigger billboard sized one down


IMG_4438.jpg 100_6327.jpg

We got back to the hotel about 730 and were meeting Steve and Erin and who ever else at a place called Bubbas BBQ, which was like a Texas BBQ. We hung and ate some food and drank some, it was a good time. We were sitting out in the parking lot shooting the **** and this cabby pulls up and starts pissing in the bushes so tony and I run over to his cab and I jumped in the drivers seat but the guyr was so short I couldn’t do at anything, it was funny as hell, and the best part of it was the cabby was laughing the whole time. We thought it would have been better if I could have drove it a block of so but there was no way I could have pulled that one off......
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Old 05-13-2008, 07:31 PM
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Re: my china story (with pix)

day 7:
the drinking last night helped me sleep in BIG time we ended up waking up at like 830-9 it was nice. We pretty much bummed around the hotel till like 1230 and went to the bank to try exchanging some money which was a bigger ordeal then I thought. After the bank we headed to the knock off market, which was kinda fun it was like being at a swap meet with new stuff. They pretty much give you a price and then you haggle the hell outa them. One girl gave me a price of 95 I told her 50, she dropped to 70, I told her 40 she dropped to 65, I told her 30 and she dropped to 55, it was fun to do that, or to haggle and just walk away and they chase you trying to get you to buy ****. When we went outside there was a beggar with a monkey Laurie took a bunch of pictures and the guy made him do al kinds of tricks so I gave him 1RNB. We walked alil further and decided to take a cab to find something to eat. We ended up finding a Papa Johns and ate there and then went to Starbucks. Yeah I know not very not very adventurous but we are gonna try getting Ryan to eat some where alil more native tomorrow. Laurie and I went down to get some laundry done and ended up walking down where we ate at the BBQ a few nights ago looking for things to take pictures of, we walked behind one of the big $$ hotels which must have been there red light district but they use pink lights. These girls were pretty dirty looking, I don’t think I would have touched them with a ten foot pole. We also went into this 3 story store/ mall thing the top two floors were like being in a Wal-mart they had everything there, even some great value (Wal-mart brand) stuff, it was also cool looking at how there refrigeration cases where, being that’s what I do at home. On the way home we stopped in the place we ate last night Bubbas BBQ to get a shirt but they were all out, so we walked back to the hotel and got ready for bed.

Day 8:
today we got up at a reasonable time, Ryan wanted to see the open air market so we went down to it about 830, pretty much all the stuff we saw down there last time. It was alil more gamey smelling, the last time we were down there earlier in the morning last time. After that we came back to the hotel and said bye to Kareem and Steven and Ryan got some money that Steven owed him. Steven wrote down on a piece of paper for us how to get to the subway and we took that to the places we went to see today. I have never road on a subway before it was pretty cool and a lot cheaper and safer then a cab ride. The first place we went was called the oriental pearl tower. It was a huge TV tower with observation areas on it, it was a really cool way to see the city. The only problem with it was the smog is so thick here you can only see like a 1/4 of the distance you would have been able to see back home. After that we found a stop for the Shanghai Science and Tech. Museum, it was pretty lame a lot of the exhibits where broken or closed down. The building its self was really cool tho and there were gardens around it that were really nice too, Laurie let me take some pix on her camera so see if she could give me a few tips and see some one else perspective. The up side was at that stop on the train there was a HUGE knock off market so we got to relive some stress. I was getting hounded by some many people to buy watches I started yelling “I DON’T WANT TO BUY A WATCH ”, or we would start flirting with the girl selling **** and that would make them back off (girls here get really shy when if comes down to flirting, it was really funny). After we got done shopping we got on the subway and rode it back and went back to the hotel and relaxed for about an hour. After relaxing and Ryan taking a shower we headed to the street corner BBQ again. The fish that Ryan had me try last time im pretty sure is Mackerel, also I tried a fish that looked like a small flounder or halibut, also we got the bucket of crawfish (what the call them here translates to tiny dragon) and then some veggies and mystery meat. Then we went around the block where Laurie and I saw the hookers last night. Ryan opened the door and tried translating blow job to them in motions and words but they didn’t understand it was funny as hell. After that we walked to the bakery and Laurie and I got some stuff to satisfy our sweet tooth, then we headed home and too bed.....

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Old 05-13-2008, 07:32 PM
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Re: my china story (with pix)

Day 9:
today Steve came and got us and took us to his neck of the woods. First we went to his shop where he buys old military issue motorcycles with side cars. He showed us how the totally tare down these bikes and restore them and sell them. They are BMW boxer engine powered, most of them were built in buy the Russian government in the late 40's-the 60's after that they were built privately and the quality went to ****. He has done a few up grades to them like under cut the gears, adding a 4th or 5th gear, and a few other electrical mods like replacing the distributers that burn out after like 2,000 miles and putting them all in a water tight box that once held the tool kit. He ships them all over the world and you can get one in the US shipped for about 8,500 US I seriously think it would be cool to get one. After that he took us to a Mexican restaurant, yeah I know I can eat that at home. This place was really good tho and I mixed it up alil and got prawn tacos also as an appetizer we had chips and salsa but it also came with some kinda hot *** con-Quaso, refried beans, and some kick as guacamole dip. Then we headed to a small town to the humble administrators garden, this place was amazing it was over 1000 years old and it took the first owner 16 years to build 3 of that was design and his son lost is in one night after his dad had past gambling. Steve got us a tour guide who spoke very good English. Its was kinda nice to her giving us info and also she was fun. We were flirting with her and she took it very well most girls here get all shy. We asked her if she would come home with us and she laughed and had fun with it. We also told her that Ryan lost his leg swimming in the Baltic sea and getting attacked by a shark and then killing it with his bare hands, she ate that right up. These gardens where some of the most beautiful gardens I have ever seen with 1000's of year old buildings, bonzi trees, and canals with koi in them that were like 2 feet long (prolly could have sold them in the states for 1000+). After this we met Steve’s leather guy, I think his name was Mr. Chang, he makes all kinds of things like hats and coats along with leather race suits and gloves. His hospitality was unbelievable. It was time to go back to the hotel now, Steve had to be home before 6 when his daughters got home. Steve tried to find us a place to get seafood from but he had no luck, he did show us a mall close to our hotel he said may be a good place. We got back to the hotel and Laurie and I went down the road and got our laundry, it ended up costing me like 16.50RMB which is alil over 2$ US. Laurie and Ryan talked me into spiking my hair for our last night here. It was fun we are like a freak show to these people, Ryan with his legs, Laurie with her tattoo and me with my hair not only the Mohawk but a few people have been amazed with my goatee also. I think I have seen a total of 4 people here with a goatee and or mustache. So we went to the mall that Steve told us to come too. It was really cool it was open like something you would see in Cali it actually look inclosed. In the center was a large open area with a stage, and seats all over and on the 3rd and 4th floors on one side was a giant tv screen where many people were watching the news. For dinner we didn’t find any “seafood” restaurant but we ate at this place that wasn’t bad. We ordered like 5-6 plates of food, one was crab(which was **** it didn’t have any meat on it), another had full shrimp that were cooked head and all, then we got a beef in oyster sauce and last was half shelled clams in some kinda sauce with vegetables, we also each had a beer(they come in like 32oz bottles). When we got done reading Ryan wanted to get some more DVD’s so we went looking for some but didn’t find any. We did find some more beer tho this place is great you can drink anywhere and pretty much get it/ drink it anywhere. So we ended up hailing a cab (with beers in hand) and had him take us to the knock off market we went to the first day. We got there kinda late most places were closed or closing but we found one place open and we both got a fist full of dvds. We wanted to walk around alil more and found a “Cuban” bar called something Havana. It was kinda cool but the beer was pretty pricy for china, so we had one beer there and headed home. We got back to the hotel, Ryan wanted to go to bed but Laurie and I decided to go for a walk seeing how it was our last night, so we went toward where they were doing some road construction. The workers doing the road work here work 24 hours a day in shifts when they are not working there are these storage containers on the side with windows and bars over them and an AC unit and lights, the workers sleep in these things on metal framed bunk beds with wood across them, it blew my mind. After all the beer I had to drink tonight I had to pee and was still pretty far from the hotel and public/ business bathrooms are pretty much unheard of I found a place to pee. Hey when in Rome do as the Romans, I have seen at least 10 people peeing in the street. One of them was last night a mom was squatting on the sidewalk with her daughter sitting between her legs peeing on the side walk, then when the kid was done she shook her off and they got back in their car and went on their way. Also we have noticed that a lot of kids here don’t have diapers on they walk around in lil one piece suits and the butt and crotch is open in them, Laurie saw a mother with her kid the other day walking and her kid was shitting in the bushes like she was walking a dog.

day 9: this is our last day, Laurie and I were gonna get up early and go for a last walk to see if we could find anything else but it was pouring rain so we slept in. I think I ended up getting up about 930 got ready, woke Ryan used his internet for a few min and then headed down to the C-store to get some red bull for the guys at work and a few other friends. We then went back to the hotel and relaxed for about and hour before we had to head to the airport. The language barrier is one thing im not gonna miss here we weren’t exactly sure what terminal we had to go to and im trying to tell our driver in what ever way possible to go to the next terminal and he starts talking to me like im suppose to know what the hell he is saying. After rushing to the airport we find out our flight is delayed 2 hours and staff business class tickets don’t get you in the lounge anymore so we couldn’t go up there and booze it up. The food on the flight wasn’t very good, the stewardess gave Ryan the wrong plate of food and then yelled at him after had ate it which was bullshit. Our flight took us over the china sea, up the long ways of japan and then across the pacific between Vancouver and Seattle, across the top part of Idaho over Helena Montana, across South Dakota and then to Chicago. The weather was clear when we got into Iowa, and Illinois so I was looking out the window looking down on the cities and country side once we got closer I saw the nucular power plant in Byron and also could see the drag strip that we preform at. Customs was less of a hassle then I thought it would be I think we waited longer for out baggage, now we are on the bus home and to the end of our journey.....

the pictures posted are just a taste of what I have up loaded if you would like to see more there are 13 pages on my photobucket:
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Old 05-13-2008, 08:37 PM
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Re: my china story (with pix)

the hat ???????????????????????
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Old 05-13-2008, 11:35 PM
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Re: my china story (with pix)

Originally Posted by joey b
the hat ???????????????????????

isn't it weird seeing a totally different culture, even the buildings look so different from what you would ever see in the states
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Old 05-14-2008, 04:50 AM
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Re: my china story (with pix)

pics of asian ******....
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Old 05-14-2008, 07:35 AM
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Re: my china story (with pix)

yeah, weres the ***** and there size 6 bodies?
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Old 05-14-2008, 07:38 AM
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Re: my china story (with pix)

look in the photobucket link:D and actully the women over there are really shy......and get all embaressed really easy
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Old 05-14-2008, 12:31 PM
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Re: my china story (with pix)

Nice stories.
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Old 05-14-2008, 09:45 PM
florida! finally
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Re: my china story (with pix)

awesome Kneel! wish i was there too.
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Old 05-14-2008, 09:58 PM
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Re: my china story (with pix)

**** looks intents
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Old 05-17-2008, 05:16 PM
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Re: my china story (with pix)

Great stuff!
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Old 05-17-2008, 05:31 PM
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Re: my china story (with pix)

Thanks for the great read.
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Old 05-17-2008, 08:50 PM
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Re: my china story (with pix)

im happy to bring it to you!!!
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