Free Shots At Nicely

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Old 11-01-2007, 06:26 PM
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Re: Free Shots At Nicely

Originally Posted by MikeNicelyFilms
ok here for the last ******* time....chris im not confusing you and your have said nothing on the site or to me that made me mad.

i only tried changing the time due to was droped i let it go. then i heard from many peeps...o twite and chris and everyone was bitching about you stealing peeps for the party.....peeps do what they want.

fmx thing..i never told anyone but heidi that i wasnt going to push them for sponsorship cause they are your team.. I MEAN REALY ITS LIKE I NEVER WENT THERE..IM NOT MAKING THEM SUFFER BY NOT SPONSORING THEM...I JUST DONT THINK WE CAN WORK TOGETHER AND THEY ARE YOUR TEAM JUST LIKE THE ATL GUYS..YOUR GUYS NOT MINE....LIKE YOU SAID TO ME ON THE PHONE AND PM...WE HAVE BEEN HERE FOR YEARS WORKING ON ALL OF THIS YOUR NOT COMING HERE AND STEALING ALL OUR HARD WORK.......WTF AM I STEALING FROM YOU.....HONESTLY WHAT....thats got pissed that i went out there to film about sponsorship not for a video....i wanted heidi to take me home after she told me you worked with them...and only cause i didnt want you saying that im stealing your projects again...**** i dont want them..just wanted to

as for my texts to you and phone calls.....and asking you to ask your boy to stop...well your right..i was hoping that cause hes your friend that you would get him to relax a little and back off....he didnt and it got worse...

as for not answering my i told hard feelings..let it go so everyone can go do what they where doing b4 i got in the just wanted to i said..dont hate you or your women or anyone in just not going to have anything to do with them....cause look at the trouble im in for trying to help.

i dont make videos so peeps will like me...i dont act a ceartain way so peeps like just me and thats all you get..yea **** is fucked up and twisted around so much....noone knows where the tie to the knot begins...

kane as for your complaing about me filming...when foto or any is taking pics i always look over my shoulder to see if im in a shot or if they want me to move..afterwards and partys..yea i like dont wanna be on camera say so...i stop period...i dont ever force a camera on peeps....

as for my words and this post..yea i wanted it..i wanted to hear what all the ******* bs is about me..why is there a prob with me when there never was b4 untill now...i had small issues like anyone does..but not like this...

chris, rhonda, twite, and cleveland....let it only responding cause chris you call me more then my girl and call and threatend me with if i dont answer my phone then you will blast me on sl...well **** i started the post for you...go ahead.....

you bitched about the fmx bitched about my comment on your video..altho that one was my bad but still thought it wasnt as strong to start all of this.....

**** im sorry bro let it go...

for those who still want to post and hate on me....feel free.....i want it i need it and im taking it all me when i say nothing about will be the changing alot...

i have issues and probs...more then others i bet...but i know what i do...and i know what i have to do to fix myself and make me better.

so i will not bother any of you and i only ask for the same...

like i say a million times ******* sorry for the drama....i only wanted to help and my help became some how me taking over everything....i mean **** i didnt mean to say to you that i was going to give you projects as if you dont have any...i was saying that hoping you would want to help me and me do the same for you....but i see my help, my footage, my videos, and well just plain old me are not welcome anymore..

trust me when i say that im very lost over all of this and very upset and prob wont be the same after this...witch could be a good thing..


all that said....... ill be honest i respect the fact that u just said what u did.......... took some ***** to admit that u have your own issues when u kow its gonna give people more ammo (probably me also the next time we get into it)

that aside i wanna ask you an honest question......... there was alot of b.s. started because a comment got back to a few people that it was said that a certain company was pulling a supposed very large sum of money from a very deserving team based on the emotional reaction of one person to some stuff said on the internet....... i left out certain details like names and amounts because they arent important.......... but is the jist of what i just posted true mike? and if so........ honestly what does either the company or the team have to gain by tabling this offer? if a company is prepared to invest that large of a sum of "advertising dollars" into a team dont u think emotions aside its a pretty stupid business decision to throw it in the ******* based on hurt feelings? i dont like the way you are but i will say u probably wouldnt be where u are in the cyclespace company if u didnt have some semblance of good business practices........... right? emotion has no place in business ........ i work for and with people everyday that i dont like...... why....... cuz its business palin and simple........ but seriosuly whats your take on this?
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Old 11-01-2007, 07:49 PM
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Re: Free Shots At Nicely

Originally Posted by MikeNicelyFilms have said nothing on the site or to me that made me mad.
fmx thing..i never told anyone but heidi that i wasnt going to push them for sponsorship cause they are your team.. I MEAN REALY ITS LIKE I NEVER WENT THERE..IM NOT MAKING THEM SUFFER BY NOT SPONSORING THEM...I JUST DONT THINK WE CAN WORK TOGETHER AND THEY ARE YOUR TEAM JUST LIKE THE ATL GUYS..YOUR GUYS NOT MINE....LIKE YOU SAID TO ME ON THE PHONE AND PM...WE HAVE BEEN HERE FOR YEARS WORKING ON ALL OF THIS YOUR NOT COMING HERE AND STEALING ALL OUR HARD WORK.......WTF AM I STEALING FROM YOU.....HONESTLY WHAT....thats got pissed that i went out there to film about sponsorship not for a video....i wanted heidi to take me home after she told me you worked with them...and only cause i didnt want you saying that im stealing your projects again...**** i dont want them..just wanted to
Mike - you texted me and told me that the team wasn't going to get sponsored because of "something Chris said about you on SL." Now you are saying that Chris didn't say anything. So are you telling me I lost Clint and the rest of FMX East a sponsorship because I'm friends with Scott? Or because I work with Chris? I admit, I did ask you out to the compound to watch the guys ride, I thought it would be the best way to make an informed decision about sponsoring them or not, especially with the newest footage of them flipping for Travis to watch. I know he trusts you and your decisions ( ... and I am terribly disappointed in you abusing that fact). You were stoked, they were stoked...therefore I was stoked.
Then I get the text saying that you're shelving the whole deal due to a post made by Chris. That's crap. God, could you imagine the **** that would never happen if people did that regularly? Especially since Scott is on like a million forums.
All I am going to do here is stick up for my team....we all know I am on Chris and Rhonda's side, it doesn't matter what it is in regards to. They are family. HOWEVER, FMX East happens to be very near and dear to my heart as well, which is why I came to you about consideration. The guys are VERY deserving of any support they could receive, and I thought it could be a mutually beneficial relationship between Cyclespace and them - I also thought that since they were so worthy, maybe this petty bullshit could have been overlooked in honor of the greater good - the "greater good" = what is in the best interest of the TEAM. NOT mike, NOT me, NOT chris, NOT scott. FMX EAST. This has nothing to do with you, me, Chris, and especially not Scott. It is between Clint and Travis.
I think if you want to be fair about this entire situation, you should give my guys a fair crack. Let Travis make his own decision. Take the rest of us out of the equation, if need be. It is unfair, unacceptable, and most importantly unprofessional to punish an innocent party just because of who they know.
****, if that were the case, and normal business practice, we'd probably all be fucked at one point or another.
Mike, the text that you sent had Clint up in arms.... enough so that he wanted to give Chris a piece of his mind and break off the friendship. So my final thought here is this: not ONLY did you ruin a sponsorship because of personal emotions unrelated to the situation, but you almost cost a friendship.

I know you're angry, but that is uncalled for.

Originally Posted by alevelcs
that aside i wanna ask you an honest question......... there was alot of b.s. started because a comment got back to a few people that it was said that a certain company was pulling a supposed very large sum of money from a very deserving team based on the emotional reaction of one person to some stuff said on the internet....... i left out certain details like names and amounts because they arent important.......... but is the jist of what i just posted true mike? and if so........ honestly what does either the company or the team have to gain by tabling this offer? if a company is prepared to invest that large of a sum of "advertising dollars" into a team dont u think emotions aside its a pretty stupid business decision to throw it in the ******* based on hurt feelings? i dont like the way you are but i will say u probably wouldnt be where u are in the cyclespace company if u didnt have some semblance of good business practices........... right? emotion has no place in business ........ i work for and with people everyday that i dont like...... why....... cuz its business palin and simple........ but seriosuly whats your take on this?
on this, I couldn't agree more. I think in the end the decision to axe the deal is not only hurting my guys, but Cyclespace as well.

and that is all I am going to say on the subject. We know where my loyalties lie. Mike, you know I like you as a person. We know what I think of Chris and Rhonda. Scott is one of the best friends a person could ever ask for. FMX East is obviously a very strong priority in my life.

So that leaves me...... right about....

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Old 11-01-2007, 07:57 PM
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Re: Free Shots At Nicely

Originally Posted by CN STARZ
Mike - you texted me and told me that the team wasn't going to get sponsored because of "something Chris said about you on SL." Now you are saying that Chris didn't say anything. So are you telling me I lost Clint and the rest of FMX East a sponsorship because I'm friends with Scott? Or because I work with Chris? I admit, I did ask you out to the compound to watch the guys ride, I thought it would be the best way to make an informed decision about sponsoring them or not, especially with the newest footage of them flipping for Travis to watch. I know he trusts you and your decisions ( ... and I am terribly disappointed in you abusing that fact). You were stoked, they were stoked...therefore I was stoked.
Then I get the text saying that you're shelving the whole deal due to a post made by Chris. That's crap. God, could you imagine the **** that would never happen if people did that regularly? Especially since Scott is on like a million forums.
All I am going to do here is stick up for my team....we all know I am on Chris and Rhonda's side, it doesn't matter what it is in regards to. They are family. HOWEVER, FMX East happens to be very near and dear to my heart as well, which is why I came to you about consideration. The guys are VERY deserving of any support they could receive, and I thought it could be a mutually beneficial relationship between Cyclespace and them - I also thought that since they were so worthy, maybe this petty bullshit could have been overlooked in honor of the greater good - the "greater good" = what is in the best interest of the TEAM. NOT mike, NOT me, NOT chris, NOT scott. FMX EAST. This has nothing to do with you, me, Chris, and especially not Scott. It is between Clint and Travis.
I think if you want to be fair about this entire situation, you should give my guys a fair crack. Let Travis make his own decision. Take the rest of us out of the equation, if need be. It is unfair, unacceptable, and most importantly unprofessional to punish an innocent party just because of who they know.
****, if that were the case, and normal business practice, we'd probably all be fucked at one point or another.
Mike, the text that you sent had Clint up in arms.... enough so that he wanted to give Chris a piece of his mind and break off the friendship. So my final thought here is this: not ONLY did you ruin a sponsorship because of personal emotions unrelated to the situation, but you almost cost a friendship.

I know you're angry, but that is uncalled for.

on this, I couldn't agree more. I think in the end the decision to axe the deal is not only hurting my guys, but Cyclespace as well.

and that is all I am going to say on the subject. We know where my loyalties lie. Mike, you know I like you as a person. We know what I think of Chris and Rhonda. Scott is one of the best friends a person could ever ask for. FMX East is obviously a very strong priority in my life.

So that leaves me...... right about....


u said my name like 5 ****** times............. get yer piggy toe up out my kool-aid

oh look a warthog............ i bet he doesnt send people to voicemail...........RIGHT AFTER THEY JUST LOST SERVICE AND THEY ARE TRYING TO CALL BACK

Last edited by alevelcs; 11-01-2007 at 08:01 PM.
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Old 11-01-2007, 07:58 PM
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Re: Free Shots At Nicely

i bet mike commit suicide already...

dead as **** with the camera rolling, streaming his death to the internet because even in death he is an attention *****!

but, i do dig the video's and i will continue to give the video's attention, him as a person, well... ****, dunno. i dont know him, but seems to me he is forgetting what leaves a larger impression than his poor choice in handling his emotions.....


Last edited by SYTFU_R6; 11-01-2007 at 08:00 PM.
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Old 11-01-2007, 08:16 PM
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Re: Free Shots At Nicely

Originally Posted by alevelcs
u said my name like 5 ****** times............. get yer piggy toe up out my kool-aid
oh look a warthog............ i bet he doesnt send people to voicemail...........RIGHT AFTER THEY JUST LOST SERVICE AND THEY ARE TRYING TO CALL BACK
yes well apparently the "people" that said things included you, bucko. Deal with it.
you like me saying your name anyhow.
on stuntlife I mean.
in my posts.

I TALKED TO YOU YESTERDAY ******! what did you say.... get over it? hm... hi pot, I'm kettle....
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Old 11-01-2007, 08:19 PM
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Re: Free Shots At Nicely

Originally Posted by CN STARZ
yes well apparently the "people" that said things included you, bucko. Deal with it.
you like me saying your name anyhow.
on stuntlife I mean.
in my posts.

I TALKED TO YOU YESTERDAY ******! what did you say.... get over it? hm... hi pot, I'm kettle....

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Old 11-01-2007, 08:21 PM
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Re: Free Shots At Nicely

Originally Posted by alevelcs
what? have you run out of clever things say?:YEAH
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Old 11-01-2007, 08:22 PM
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Re: Free Shots At Nicely

Originally Posted by CN STARZ
what? have you run out of clever things say?:YEAH

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Old 11-01-2007, 08:28 PM
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Re: Free Shots At Nicely

Originally Posted by alevelcs
wait.... um... that wasn't an insult. I'm thrown off here. dunno what to post. Although I DO still have your stations programmed into my radio
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Old 11-01-2007, 08:31 PM
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Re: Free Shots At Nicely

Originally Posted by CN STARZ
wait.... um... that wasn't an insult. I'm thrown off here. dunno what to post. Although I DO still have your stations programmed into my radio

thats just so u can reminis (spelling retard stikes again) about my sining when u are late for lunch at chilis
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Old 11-01-2007, 08:32 PM
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Re: Free Shots At Nicely

mike, im beginning to think you live in some alternate world...or you tell so many stories you either believe them yourself or just can't remember what you said before...

when did i ever say "you can't come here and steal our stuff???" ummmm, try never...

the last time me and you had a long phone conversation its was 45 min of me trying to convince you to not sit at home the weekend of the ride, to come out, film, and hang out and have fun. i was stoked for you friday night when you were getting your footage and it was looking good...thats why i was not filming when you were i was trying to give you some shine how is that me hating? and i also told you then i had no problem with any critique you gave me about my work, but that i had wished you had called me and not just posted up about it, but that i was not mad...i believe that you posted up after our conversation that i was a class guy etc...

whats funny is you keep going on about how you wanted to premiere my video at your m-a-n-s-i-o-n but friday night when you were harassing people who obviously did not want to party that night, you never said word one to me or anyone else about bringing the vid out there to play it...

the fmx that had nothing to do with you at first. it was an issue that me and heidi had, we talked and it resolved itself...but then you had to go and give some bullshit to all of us that it was my fault my friends would not get a sponsorship, so you involved yourself, you started the drama...

i will say this one time...if it comes down to a friend of mine working with me or taking on a large sponsorship...i will step aside in an instant. i have already done it once this year for a jet ski pro who got a huge sponsorship but in return could no longer work with only me...if clint wants the cyclespace sponsorship i will step aside if thats what it takes for him to succeed. why?

because thats what a good friend would do and understand the whole way about what is truly important...

as far as all of this goes...

you have proven yourself in my eyes to be two faced and malicious and then to top it all off you don't even have the nuts to own up to the truth...

i feel bad for you in a way because you do have immense talent with visual media...but whatever issues you have that compel you to do something like this absolutely destroy any credibility you might have...

brother, we can go round and round about this...personally i really don't want to do all of this online but since you will not call me to do this the right way this is all i have to go on...

i have a clean consience, i have done nothing wrong and have not hidden anything. i stand by any decisions i have made and would do almost everything the same if i had to do it over...

can you say the same?
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Old 11-01-2007, 08:36 PM
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Re: Free Shots At Nicely

Originally Posted by Lethal Rider
the only person I will hit in the face on here when I 1st meet him will be schevalalalala ... but who here lol lol
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Old 11-01-2007, 08:36 PM
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Re: Free Shots At Nicely

i interrupt this message to inform all of you


carry on...............nothing to see here
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Old 11-01-2007, 08:42 PM
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Re: Free Shots At Nicely

Originally Posted by GSE Mike

where did he say that? im callin shennanigans
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Old 11-01-2007, 08:46 PM
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Re: Free Shots At Nicely

Originally Posted by alevelcs
where did he say that? im callin shennanigans

what happens when you call shennanigans?
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Old 11-01-2007, 08:48 PM
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Re: Free Shots At Nicely

Originally Posted by GSE Mike

what happens when you call shennanigans?

he turns into a flying ****** rat like his avatar...all that gay magician crap and what not...
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Old 11-01-2007, 08:51 PM
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Re: Free Shots At Nicely

Originally Posted by GSE Mike

what happens when you call shennanigans?

to be honest not quite sure............ its just the neatest word i can spell

Originally Posted by southtown
he turns into a flying ****** rat like his avatar...all that gay magician crap and what not...

um so the guy with ******* LOVE BIRDS is callin me gay?
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Old 11-01-2007, 08:55 PM
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Re: Free Shots At Nicely

Originally Posted by alevelcs

um so the guy with ******* LOVE BIRDS is callin me gay?
?? please enlighten
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Old 11-01-2007, 08:59 PM
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Re: Free Shots At Nicely

Originally Posted by GSE Mike
?? please enlighten
Chris and Rhonda have lovebirds. GAY lovebirds.

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Old 11-01-2007, 09:06 PM
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Re: Free Shots At Nicely

Originally Posted by CN STARZ
Chris and Rhonda have lovebirds. GAY lovebirds.

Birds are cool....they can fly
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